Igniting Wonder

Ken Segall from his book Think Simple:

Growing in a controlled way meant Blue Man Group could build a lasting culture. The founders wanted new hires to feel like theirs was a “noble endeavor,” going beyond mere entertainment, doing their part to ignite a bit of childlike wonder in audiences. They wanted everyone who worked in the organization—performers, musicians, production crews, and office staff—to feel like they were a part of delivering this experience.

This is part of the Japanese concept of Kaizen, which states that all members of a team should be empowered to improve processes.

People are not computers. When you encourage them to bring their full creative selves to their work, you open the door to magic.

When you lead others as if they're robots, though, you might limit downside with the bureaucracy you impose. But in doing so, you also cap your unlimited upside.

The world is a richer place to live in when we leave space for ingniting that bit of childlike wonder in those we serve.

See also: Unobtrusive Bits of Whimsy


Reflections on leading a meaningful, impactful life.